Friday, March 3, 2017

Podcast: Justice League Action upon The Transconsciousness Articulator

Episode #11

Look for us on iTunes, ShoutEngine or the Internet Archive, where you can also directly download an art-tagged MP3.

This time we revisit the Joe Kelly/ChrisCross issues of JLA #s 83 (September, 2003) and 90 (January, 2004) covering fantasy stories involving the World's Finest Trinity versus George Bush President Lex Luthor, as well as Diana and Bruce considering the possibility of a romantic relationship. It's supposed to be a Martian device facilitating this, but it sure sounds like more of a Paradise Island or Kryptonian sort of thing. Then, Frank dishes on the first ten episodes of the new Cartoon Network show Justice League Action. Finally, your comments are addressed, plus we run promos for Justice League Universe Podcast, The All-Star Comics Review Podcast, and the latest podcast about Wonder Woman, Lasso of Truth (not to be confused with the long running non-Amazonian podcast of nearly the same name.)

We don't have a Magic Sphere, so if you want to communicate with us about the podcast...

1 comment:

Anj said...

I have been giving Justice League Action a bit of a pass. In my mind, it is cotton candy. It is sweet for a short period of time and then dissolves to nothing.

Perhaps because my ideas of these characters are well formed, I don't mind these versions being a bit more one-dimensional. Yes, this is not my Swamp Thing or Constantine ... at all. But could these versions be a hook for young kids who might not care for cerebral elementals or bastard friend-killers? Maybe?

In regards to Wonder Woman, it is sad that the sword/shield seems to be WB's default version. So I am not surprised to see that be the one here. I regard her as the Goku/Vegeta on the show, right down to the hair. She is there to be the muscle who takes joy in the battle, unlike Superman who eschews fighting when he can.

Unfortunately, that meant very little to differentiate her from Barda in the last episode I saw.

Still, I find it hard to complain about a show that has given me Space Cabbie, Mr. Mind, and Virmin Vundabar as well as decent portrayals of Batman, Blue Beetle, and Zatanna