I've mostly been doing these cosplay posts based on pictures taken by Shag Matthews of Once Upon A Geek, including the second shot here, but he didn't have any close-up shots of the lady playing Circe. Thankfully, while working on a post about DJ Spider's Zatanna Blue Sorceress Cosplay, I found a nice Circe picture in her folder. The costume here is derived from the initial story arc of the current volume of Wonder Woman wherein our heroines' great adversary briefly usurped her role. Dare to compare below:

Shag caught a few shots of Circe lording it over a host of fallen heroes, which I assume Destiny was chronicling...
Click To Enlarge

Thanks to DJ Spider and Shag for the images, which enlarge and often expand when you click 'em!
More Cosplay of the Day:
- Dragon*Con 2010 Peacemaker Cosplayer @ Power of the Atom
- Wondercon 2010 Gypsy, Vixen & Zatanna Cosplay @ Justice League Detroit
- Dragon*Con 2010 Best of Martian Manhunter Cosplay @ The Idol-Head of Diabolu
- HeroesCon, Wondercon & Dragon*Con 2010 Huntress Cosplay @ DC Bloodlines
- Hawkgirl Cosplayer At DragonCon 2010 @ Being Carter Hall
- The Phantom Stranger at the 2010 DragonCon @ I Am The Phantom Stranger
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