There was a surprisingly lovely and varied number of Donna Troy cosplayers at this year's Atlanta, GA Dragon*Con 2010. Shag Matthews of Once Upon A Geek snapped some sensational shots of the ladies, and has offered up his treasury of photos for the use of several fellow bloggers. I've got a lot of blogs, which has resulted in my having to turn out waves of themed posts just to cover my end of the comic book spectrum. In the meantime, Shag has made his own use of the images as a photojournal of Dragon*Con 2010 Recap – My Weekend of Insanity, which I recommend reading.

The Donnas got a lot of attention in my first post of this series Wonder Woman & the Wonder Girls. In the comments, Shag informed me of something regarding his favorite of the lot, pictured above. "I was surprised to find out this young lady is actually George Perez's niece! Keeping it in the family!" So there's George himself, sandwiched between a George Pérez creation and a George Pérez relation. It amuses me that this Donna Troy is wearing the Nick Cardy designed "new" Wonder Girl costume from the 1960s, rather than her uncle's reworking.
*Update* Cynthia, the Pérez-style Donna from the bottom pic, has informed me that both Cardy-Donna & Terra are George's nieces. Read more here

George Pérez co-created Blackfire, the Titan Starfire's evil sister, pictured above. He was also responsible for the Wonder Woman reboot that demolished Donna Troy's origin, so Pérez later joined Marv Wolfman in attempting to recreate Troy from the ground up as Troia. However, Pérez's complicated costume design went over like a lead balloon. After years in creative limbo, acolyte Phil Jimenez took Pérez's star pattern uniform and turned it into the suit above, which lasted until Donna's first "death" at the end of the Titans series.

All that black muted Donna's sex appeal, and the problem extends to Troia's costume here, made unnecessarily frumpy by the reflective material used. There are a bunch of pictures where this cosplayer seems to be trying to make up for it by popping her butt up, as if to say "It's not me! It's the material!" She otherwise looks fabulous, with awesome accessories.
That's about it for Donna Troy, but there's still a ton of Cassie Sandsmark stuff for me to offer here, plus a surprise or two. Until then, I'd like to revisit a Donna Troy from a previous post, to see that she gets her due credit in the Troia realm. Also, there's a link list following of posts that are part of this round of cosplay coverage, so give them a click!

1 comment:
Today's world is growing very rapidly. Everyone wants to look good.In this case cosplay outfit has a perfect balance between the lace and the open part. It gives you personal satisfaction. It has a wide variety of costumes. Cosplay Costume is one of top sellers this season.
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